Why I’m writing a blog

You might think that since I grew up in a family that thrived on isolation, abuse and dysfunction that I would want no part of remembering it, let alone finding out more about it.  But I am curious to see if I can uncover anything in my ancestry that could perhaps reveal the origins of those demons which haunted members of my family.  Or, if everyone in their past (and up the line) was just crazy.

While working on the monumental task of researching my family’s origins, I am immersing myself in the study of genealogy.  I plan to share information and tips that I hope will be useful, while entertaining along the way.

Most of my family members have joined my Heavenly Father, to whom I give thanks for all things.

1 Response to Why I’m writing a blog

  1. chmjr2 says:

    It has been a while since you have posted on this blog. I know writing a blog is demanding but you had the start of a very good blog. I hope to read more in the future.

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